Enclosure 3:
Englander prejudiced the judge against Ray Bradbury
by Wesley Fager (c) 2003

Englander did an excellent job in prejudicing the court against Ray Bradbury. He presented Bradbury as a stalker, a man who has been arrested for burglary. He presented Bradbury to the court as an extortionist, who when requested to turn over his penis pump to Sembler had demanded $700,000 for it. On the other hand Englander presented his client Mel Sembler as the "honorable" Ambassador to Italy, a man who has been stricken with prostrate cancer and consequently prescribed the pump as a medical device. If Judge Logan had let Ray Bradbury defend himself the judge would have learned that Mel Sembler's Straight program has a long and despicable history of abusing teenagers and of kidnapping and falsely imprisoning teenagers--and adults. Judge Logan would have been given documents like the following which include a plethora of court cases involving Straight, comments of Straight by professionals like the state authorities who closed Straights; and newspaper clippings about the pandemic abuses of Straight:

Court cases
Professionals comment on the Straights
Newspaper montage

Judge Logan would have learned that Ray Bradbury had indeed been arrested for burglary in 1988. He would have learned that in 1988 some former Straight clients desirous of getting their medical files from Straight were terrified to go back to Straight and request those files. So they had signed statements authorizing Ray Bradbury to get the files for them. More importantly the judge would have understood why the clients were afraid to go back and get the records themselves. When Bradbury requested those records back in 1988 Straight would not cooperate with him so he broke into Straight to get those records for the purpose of taking them to state social workers to verify fraud and abuse at Straight. In the subsequent trial prosecutors admitted as much. As a consequence of the trial Bradbury was placed on parole for taking the law into his own hands, but not before State Attorney James T. Russell tried to have him imprisoned. The judge who had presided over the kangaroo court that tried Ray Bradbury was Sixth Circuit Judge Crockett Farnell. Farnell's wife is Dee Anna Farnell who herself is a Sixth Circuit judge who sits on the Juvenile Welfare Board with Judge Logan and is one of the judges who help Judge Logan send kids to Betty Sembler's Operation PAR on a daily basis. We do not condone burglary or any criminal activity at the Oakton Institute. What we are saying is that Bradbury did a foolish thing by taking the law into his own hands because the law in Pinellas County was part and parcel of aiding and abetting the abuses of Straight. Yes Bradbury had been arrested for burglary, but he wasn't exactly trying to improve his wealth by it either and that is something the judge should have known, but decided without a fair hearing that he did not need to know about it. [Bradbury's 1988 kangaroo trial is described here.]

Englander portrayed Ray Bradbury to the court as just a common extortionist, but before the gag, the story I heard was more like Bradbury said he would return his penis pump for $700,000 to help pay for his medical problems that started at Straight and also for a part of that money be given to charities working to help the survivors of harmful rehabilitation programs. I can not confirm that story. I've seen nothing in writing; Judge Logan has banned Bradbury from mentioning the name Sembler; and I won't even bother talking to Sembler or his attorneys assuming that would lead to nowhere.

Englander portrayed Bradbury to the court as a thief and an extortionist who has stalked an honorable man who has been stricken with prostrate cancer. But is Mel Sembler an honorable man with prostrate cancer? Had Judge Logan allowed Ray Bradbury to defend himself, Bradbury would have shown the judge documents like The Unauthorized Biography of Melvin Floyd Sembler and then the judge would have known like the rest of us that Melvin Sembler is not an honorable man and consequently the order for a temporary injunction without notice should have referred to Mr. Sembler's alleged prostrate cancer.